Aug 27, 2014

sunburst granny squares

and exhale... its finished! I completed my very first afghan. This pattern is called the Sunburst Granny Square. Thanks to my sister once again for rubbing off on me. She created a beautiful one and encouraged me to go for it! I started it back when we were "living in the hotel" ah... so its been a few months but... it was really fun to pull out and work on then shove it away for a few weeks.

scalloped edges
108 squares in all
It is heavy and cozy. Perfect for this fall weather.

Just getting the boys ready to head back to school. We had the most fun filled memorable summer ever! (no time for blogging apparently) We packed it all in. I loved all the new memories that we made. These cutie boys I have are at the most perfect age to go out and about and explore, try new places and go with the flow. We did a ton of swimming and playing outside, three trips- two out of state, and lots of around the town fun. It was a perfect summer.

Hope you all are enjoying the last of it too!


Jul 10, 2014

teaching my boys about life

Did anyone tell me being a mom would be hard, challenging, rewarding and full of love? Maybe, but I sure have learned, experienced-felt, and taken it all on....

We have fun, man, we have fun!!.. at the end of the day when I lay these sweet boys to sleep we talk about our day, heavy stuff, light stuff, real stuff...what we enjoyed. How did it make us feel. I want my babe's to understand feelings, of joy, sorrow and contentment. Keep it open, I want them to trust me, trust us.

Being a mother is more than I ever thought it would be. I'm full. Full of love they give me with each "blue"kiss full of "watch me mom" I'm proud. I'm excited. I'm overjoyed. My life is full of love for these beautiful children I've created.
So everyday I try to teach them things, whether they think I'm mean, bossy or don't like it, someday they will Thank me. Thank me for showing them they need to work to accomplish something, Help to feel good, respect themselves by owning, loving, enjoying and respecting their things and others. That kindness goes all the way. Being helpful to others will go full circle and to play, smile laugh and have fun.
And in the end I am hopeful I did the greatest thing I could ever do, be a great mom, they respect, love and have the most memorable memories of me.


Jun 28, 2014

the farmers wife

Although  I am not a farmers wife,  I am a proud happy fire wife. I still dream daily of the farm life I wish I had. I dream of the joy and simplicity we could have with our boys on the farm. How life could be different for us then the typical run here, run there life the suburb holds. I am comfortable here, don't get me wrong. I just feel part of me belongs there..on a farm. Which brings me to the project I am about to share with you.

My sister gifted me this book 4 months ago. A project we would do together. It is a book of letters from farm wives dating back to the 1920s. Their stories inspired 111 quilt blocks. After blocks and blocks are sewn you put it together creating yourself "The Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt"
The stories are truly wonderful. Like diving into their history. 
We decided we would make 1 block a month, show and tell it at our monthly sewing club. Here is my first block
I picked the fabric line Moda, April showers. 15 pieces of yummy fabrics in great colors. Once this blanket of goodness is all put together it will be perfect for cuddles on the porch swing at the farm.
Until then....
I dream.


May 27, 2014

Jenny Lind bed

This Jenny Lind bed belonged to my Maternal Grandparents. Its been Waiting for someone to love it...I finally took the project on. Wanting a fun, old bed for the big boys room, this would be the perfect fit.  This is what it looked like when it arrived on my turf.

After HOURS of sanding
I wish I could say this is a nice tan line but its a "sanding dust" line
Messy job
Then the spray paint started..4 cans later of espresso brown
Ta da!! Look at that beauty!!
My big boys room
The funny thing, I had both the box spring and mattress on and it was so thick! It went up to the foot board, covering how beautiful the bed was. So only a mattress for this type of bed. They made things a bit thinner back in the day I guess.
I am giddy on how it turned out. I love it. The big boy does too. He was also very smiley when he saw his Smokey the Bear decor all put up on his shelf.  We have added a few new things he hadn't seen up yet. I love how this boy likes this "style" and lets me decorate with no fuss. Big Smokey fan. So sweet.

Have a wonderful week!

May 23, 2014


Fairy gardens are popping up all over. I went along with a friend to get her daughter a fairy for her garden and ran across a few things I could use for one of the many bird houses I have around the yard! This makes me happy.
This week..
One boy done with school
Just days for the other boy
Our school count down chain
Patiently awaiting our beach days!
These Coca-Cola boxes came home with me on a recent road trip. I've been wanting one for a long time. 

I have my crochet granny squares to blog and a refinished bed to show you too.
I'm trying to get back in the swing here!

We are taking the summer off from house hunting and selling to enjoy our home and will get back to business late August on all that. The weather has been perfect the past couple days and I am enjoying playing outside with the boys and getting my hands dirty in the gardens. 

Hope all is well blog friends!


Apr 5, 2014


I truly cant believe I have not been on my blog since Valentines day...weep weep..
7 weeks ago I woke up to a normal morning. Until I went to open the cupboard. There it was before my eyes our ceiling dripping with water. I turn and look around and see water filled in the light fixture, water dripping in the entry and so on... since that day. We had to completely move our house into a POD, we lived in a hotel for 3 weeks. Our whole house had been damaged from ice damns.
St.pattys day
They took our cupboards down, took ceilings down..pulled out wet insulation. Then we found out we had asbestos ceilings on top of it. So that had to be taken care of as well. Anyway long story short.. 7 weeks later we are back in. Guess what?? the house goes on the market next month. Not how I had hoped to spend my last few months in our sweet home but I am glad the problem is fixed for the new owners. Ugh. It still exhausts me but the kids had a blast swimming every day at the pool. I started a sunburst granny square afghan (pictures soon) lucas lost his two front teeth, a pancake maker for breakfast every morning and I didnt have to cook or clean!
Spring break plans were adjusted and we had a fun stay-cation with the boys
Fire museum
Izzys ice cream parlor
Lego land, Nickelodeon universe & the Easter bunny

Oh we had a little snow storm Friday..we made the best of it!
I really have missed my blog and you all. I hope to get back on schedule!!
I will be living through all of your wonderful Easter posts. No decorating here this year which feels super weird, its just to much to unpack and pack back up at this point in the game for me.

Happy Spring!


Feb 6, 2014

more valentine

Valentine oh valentine
 how we love to make valentines

I loooove those little hands
I loooove that 1st grade handwriting

Then I took these recycled chocolate boxes 

and made these

It was fun delivering them this past weekend
February is such a fun month

Working on both boys Valentines parties
Will be love filled!


Jan 17, 2014

what a beauty

Hi friends! I finished up this beauty at sewing club this month. Ready to show her off. I really love how she turned out. I feel like my embroidery is improving. Still need to practice and make more projects.

I can picture her in a ladies bathroom, wouldn't that be fun...
maybe in our new house..who knows??!!

Here she is all framed up!

Work at the shop tomorrow, have a cub scout event and then having dinner with our new Richfield family (firefighters) they have invited us for dinner. Shea is having a great time this first week at his new job. They even have a fire pole they use! He said he went down at least 30 times yesterday :)

Enjoy your weekend and any crafts or decorating you are up to!