Oct 5, 2013


Happy Birthday #35 to me! 
Where have the years gone? 
Started my day at boot camp
Took the kiddos swimming
Came home had some of this-apple crisp
Went over to the pumpkin patch
Boys took me out to dinner
Home relaxing. 

I was suppose to meet a lady today to pick up my birthday present
1940s set of primary Pyrex mixing bowls
I emailed her to confirm and received a email back she was selling them to someone who would pay more... wah, wah!! Bummed would be a understatement... so lame. 

More celebrations tomorrow!  
My littlest guy turns #4 Monday 
Now, really, where did those four years go!

xo -birdie


  1. Happy birthday! We're almost birthday twins!

    Oh how sad that the lady backed out. :( I had something similar happen before. I hope you find something even better!

  2. Happy Birthday Harriette! Welcome to year 35! That's where I am too! :)
    What a bummer about the Pyrex. That wasn't very nice of that seller! Don't worry, you'll find the ones that were meant to be yours!
    Erica :)

  3. Happy Birthday sweet Harriette!! Hope you had such a wonderful day!!! :) ahhh....that's too bad for the Pyrex!! xo Holly

  4. Happy birthday! Hope it's your best year yet:)

  5. Happy belated Birthday! Hope your day was beautiful and blessed! xo Heather
