Sep 24, 2013

happy campers

A little excited to go camping! 
On the road!
First thing did I forget to take a picture of the kids in the tent..ugh!!
Sissy and I took the kids camping this past weekend.  The first time for the boys and I together. Thank goodness for sissy, camping captain..and thanks to my 10 year old niece who did more to set up my tent then i did, like I said..first time! Thanks E :)
After a couple s'mores and goofing around we hit the hay ground- all  cuddled up in our tent, snoozing to the sounds of outdoors.  We woke up and headed out for our hike!
 Over looking the St . Croix
Lucas thought this spot was a peaceful place to re site the Pledge of Allegiance
I loved it, I turned around to hear it just in time. 
He is a Cub Scout now and reminded us of it the entire hike!
Lovely spot for a photo
Then we were back on the trail to the...

 The pot holes were Amazing! If you are ever looking for a place to camp in MN, the state park in Taylors Falls was beautiful and you can hike to the potholes. 
Super neat!!

 Tree chair.
 There is also a really neat, huge, paddle boat that you can take a ride on. 
Next time I would do it for sure. 
 Rocks were collected on our hike.
Brought back to camp and painted.
 I loved this part- I love watching my babies create.

New wonderful memories! Man, did we laugh!
Thanks sissy 

xo -birdie


  1. Aw! Glad you had a great time! My boys' favorite memories are of camping! ♥

  2. Looks like you had such a beautiful and fun time!! Sweet photos! xo Heather
