Sep 3, 2013

a week of vacation on the lake

Late August is when the lake happens- for an entire week. Car is packed with goodies, bikes and gear. We arrive, settle in and begin what is yet to be another wonderful vacation.
 We swim and swim and swim

 Bikes to get to the lodge the fastest
 Dancing, like no one is watching
Making new friends
 Learning to swim away from the stairs
 Fishing, no matter the size of the catch
 Relaxing by the fire, even if you are only 3

 Lending a helping hand
And cheering on the winner or under "turtle"

 Braving the lake when no one else is
 Skipping rocks
Precious time with Nana and Bumpa
 Making Mommy's day
 Memories with dad
 Finding treasures
 Enjoying the simple company
 Surrounded by love for one whole week
Memories are made.
The count down begins for lake vacation 2014

Leech Lake, Walker MN

Vacation is over and so is summer so...
We sent this sweet boy to his first day of school today

He did great! But.." I want to be home with you mom"



  1. Looks like tons of fun! ♥

  2. What a wonderful vacation!! Such a cute photo of your 1st grader!! ;) Have a wonderful week! xo Heather

  3. Birdie, That trip to the lake does look priceless, what fun memories for all of you!Today since I am feeling better we are having our kids and grands over for dinner, all our get togethers create fond memories. Thanks for visiting and leaving your kind words~ Hugs, Diane

  4. Sweet post. Your boys look like their dad and I love the picture of sitting by the fire - so cute. We just became grandparents and wonder what we will be called someday when our little guy can talk. Bumpa - so cute! What a wonderful memory.
