Sep 24, 2013

happy campers

A little excited to go camping! 
On the road!
First thing did I forget to take a picture of the kids in the tent..ugh!!
Sissy and I took the kids camping this past weekend.  The first time for the boys and I together. Thank goodness for sissy, camping captain..and thanks to my 10 year old niece who did more to set up my tent then i did, like I said..first time! Thanks E :)
After a couple s'mores and goofing around we hit the hay ground- all  cuddled up in our tent, snoozing to the sounds of outdoors.  We woke up and headed out for our hike!
 Over looking the St . Croix
Lucas thought this spot was a peaceful place to re site the Pledge of Allegiance
I loved it, I turned around to hear it just in time. 
He is a Cub Scout now and reminded us of it the entire hike!
Lovely spot for a photo
Then we were back on the trail to the...

 The pot holes were Amazing! If you are ever looking for a place to camp in MN, the state park in Taylors Falls was beautiful and you can hike to the potholes. 
Super neat!!

 Tree chair.
 There is also a really neat, huge, paddle boat that you can take a ride on. 
Next time I would do it for sure. 
 Rocks were collected on our hike.
Brought back to camp and painted.
 I loved this part- I love watching my babies create.

New wonderful memories! Man, did we laugh!
Thanks sissy 

xo -birdie

Sep 22, 2013

woman run the cities

My sweet friend Sarah and I took in a heart healthy 5k race this morning. The weather today in MN is gorgeous!  It was a perfect morning to race.
Pre-race coffee yee-haw!!
Post race- it was a beautiful run along the Minnehaha Parkway. We did it and finished with good time. Thank you Sarah for the fun morning and for all the encouragement.
All my boys came to watch momma run!
Best fan club ever!!
We saw the Minnehaha falls before we went home
My sweet family

Stay tuned for camping pictures- I took the boys Friday night!
Happy Sunday Funday

xo - birdie

Sep 15, 2013

the doll

This little doll was calling my name at the flea market- literally. I saw her, walked away, came back...repeat 3 times! She has the sweetest face- I couldn't leave her.

This is officially the first doll I have ever bought myself.
I just love her. Her name is Nora.

She is all washed up, happy as can be. Me too!

xo -birdie

Sep 10, 2013

Bingo, Garland and Pyrex

I first saw this on Pinterest. I finally took the time to sort my vintage button stash, pick my favorites and do it. I wish I could personally thank the awesome person that came up with this brilliant and stellar idea and pin it onto Pinterest for me to see over and over..LOVE.

I received this super fun rag ball garland from Holly over at Cutie Pie Cottage! I love my garland!! Love the colors, the buttons, everything about it. Thank you sweet Holly for trading with me- looks perfect in my craft room. I feel so lucky!

Look what I found on vacation... one happy camper here!

Spent the weekend making it look like fall around here. Hard to do when its hot. Oh well it's better than snow. Have a fun and loving week!

Btw- did anyone see my Halloween embroidery?


Sep 6, 2013

Halloween embroidery

Is it really already time for all of this? 
Fall decorating, Halloween crafting
The holidays are sneaking up already
 The embroidery part was done on vacation. 
She was really fun to make-
 I am enjoying embroidery so much!
  I quilted her this week and she will be a wall hanging. 
Decoration #1 done for the season. What are you creating? 


Sep 3, 2013

a week of vacation on the lake

Late August is when the lake happens- for an entire week. Car is packed with goodies, bikes and gear. We arrive, settle in and begin what is yet to be another wonderful vacation.
 We swim and swim and swim

 Bikes to get to the lodge the fastest
 Dancing, like no one is watching
Making new friends
 Learning to swim away from the stairs
 Fishing, no matter the size of the catch
 Relaxing by the fire, even if you are only 3

 Lending a helping hand
And cheering on the winner or under "turtle"

 Braving the lake when no one else is
 Skipping rocks
Precious time with Nana and Bumpa
 Making Mommy's day
 Memories with dad
 Finding treasures
 Enjoying the simple company
 Surrounded by love for one whole week
Memories are made.
The count down begins for lake vacation 2014

Leech Lake, Walker MN

Vacation is over and so is summer so...
We sent this sweet boy to his first day of school today

He did great! But.." I want to be home with you mom"
