Aug 27, 2014

sunburst granny squares

and exhale... its finished! I completed my very first afghan. This pattern is called the Sunburst Granny Square. Thanks to my sister once again for rubbing off on me. She created a beautiful one and encouraged me to go for it! I started it back when we were "living in the hotel" ah... so its been a few months but... it was really fun to pull out and work on then shove it away for a few weeks.

scalloped edges
108 squares in all
It is heavy and cozy. Perfect for this fall weather.

Just getting the boys ready to head back to school. We had the most fun filled memorable summer ever! (no time for blogging apparently) We packed it all in. I loved all the new memories that we made. These cutie boys I have are at the most perfect age to go out and about and explore, try new places and go with the flow. We did a ton of swimming and playing outside, three trips- two out of state, and lots of around the town fun. It was a perfect summer.

Hope you all are enjoying the last of it too!
