we had a wonderful vacation up to leech lake at the end of august- we were gone for a week and we always have the best time- sometimes at night you need just a little extra blanket to keep warm so i decided lucas was up first for a new light weight blanket to have on those chilly mornings at the cabin and for the upcoming fall weather- dont you just love watching your kids cuddled up on the couch in the morning with a little blanket...hmm my favorite!

off i went on a hunt for the perfect fabrics for lucas- i scored in one night of shopping- his favorite color is orange- he totally is becoming a boy and doesnt want any baby stuff so i felt these were the perfect colors and it all came together so well-
i just did a easy block quilt and backed with some cotton- a simple stitch around the edge and i was done- like i said its nice and light weight but still cozy!
he LOVED it!
not only did i feel so lucky to find the perfect fabric for the front i also found the perfect fabric for the back that night too! music notes.. if you know my lucas he loves his music! it was really just the perfect little quilt for my littest big one--birdie
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